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High Brightness Yellow Electroluminescent (EL) Wire - 2.5 meters [High brightness- long life] ( EL 와이어 )

(해외배송 가능상품)
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기본 정보
High Brightness Yellow Electroluminescent (EL) Wire - 2.5 meters [High brightness- long life] ( EL 와이어 )
SNS 상품홍보
SNS 상품홍보

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상품 목록
상품명 상품수 가격
High Brightness Yellow Electroluminescent (EL) Wire - 2.5 meters [High brightness- long life] ( EL 와이어 ) 수량증가 수량감소 (  0)
총 상품금액(수량) : 0 (0개)




EL Wire also known as Electroluminescent wire is a stiff wire core coated with phosphor and then covered with a protective PVC sheath. When an AC signal is applied to it it glows an aqua (blue green) color. You can make it look different colors by changing the coating for example this is a vivid yellow. It looks a little like thin neon. Very bendable it keeps its shape and you can curl it around your finger. Its an easy way to add some glow to a project not as bright as LEDs but uses a lot less power!

We've got 2.6mm thickness EL wire with a yellow coat pre-cut and soldered to a standard quick-connect EL wire. It is made with the latest technology and twice as bright as 'standard' 2.3mm EL - running it at 1.5KHz/90V it emits 88 cd/m^2 or light and a half-life (50% brightness reduction) after 3000 hours of continuous use. Draws about 10mA per meter. The capacitance is about twice that of 'standard' EL 11 nF/m so if you're using an inverter it will drive only half as much high brightness wire as standard.

Often used for costuming decoration accent lighting safety vests bicycle/motorcycle/car/boat/home decoration signs etc! This wire is not designed explicitly for outdoor use so it will fade if continuously exposed to UV.

To use the wire must be connected to an inverter that provides an AC supply of approximately 100V at 2000 Hz. An inverter is not included! This wire is 250 cm long which is the maximum that can be driven by our handy 2xAA portable pocket inverter The full length draws 200mA from the 2xAA batteries (so 2000mAh batteries will last ~10 hours if on 'constant' mode)

We used EL wire to make our awesome TRON bag so check it out for ideas

This is a pre-cut pre-soldered 250 cm long piece of EL You can plug this right into an inverter and get glowing in seconds and if you want to do something a little more complex cut and resolder it as desired. Soldering to EL wire is a little tricky but luckily we wrote a detailed step-by-step tutorial! To cut and re-solder EL you'll need wire strippers a soldering iron & solder copper tape and heat shrink. A third-hand tool is really useful as well.

Please note! EL tape EL wire and EL panel are made with different processes - the color and brightness will not be consistent between the different types of EL products. The EL tape will not match the EL wire or EL panel exactly they all will be slightly different colors.

Technical Details

EL wire changes brightness depending on the coating drive frequency and amplitude. Please check the datasheet for color/brightness variation specifications!


    EL Wire Sign
    Make your design glow
    EL Wire Animal Masks
    Make a glowing impression on Halloween
    EL Wire Stocking
    Xmas with a glow!
    Glowing Bean Bags with EL Wire
    for nighttime yard games & juggling
    EL Bowtie
    Ring in the New Year with a neck-worn light show.


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    ※ 고객님의 마음이 바뀌어 교환, 반품을 하실 경우 상품반송 비용은 고객님께서 부담하셔야 합니다.
      (색상 교환, 사이즈 교환 등 포함)



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