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Bluefruit EZ-Link Shield - Bluetooth Arduino Serial & Programmer [v1.3] ( 아두이노 블루투스 시리얼 프로그래머 )

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Bluefruit EZ-Link Shield - Bluetooth Arduino Serial & Programmer [v1.3] ( 아두이노 블루투스 시리얼 프로그래머 )
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Bluefruit EZ-Link Shield - Bluetooth Arduino Serial & Programmer [v1.3] ( 아두이노 블루투스 시리얼 프로그래머 ) 수량증가 수량감소 (  0)
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We are excited to add another product to our growing Adafruit Bluefruit line this time it's the Bluefruit EZ-Link Shield: the best Bluetooth Serial shield ever made. Like you we have purchased all sorts of Bluetooth shields with high expectations - we just wanted something that worked! But nothing ever did exactly what we wanted: there was always some configuration modes to wade through and trying to reprogram an Arduino is impossible.

So we did what we always do we went in and engineered something better. Something that works!

The Bluefruit EZ-Link shield is a regular 'SPP' serial link client device that can pair with any computer or tablet and appear as a serial/COM port (except iOS as iOS does not permit SPP pairing). But here is where it gets exciting: unlike any other BT module the EZ-Link can automatically detect and change the serial baud rate. That means if you open up the COM port on your computer at 9600 baud the output is 9600 57600? 57600. Yep even 2400. All the most common baud rates are supported: 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 57600 115200 and 230400. You never have to configure or customize the module by hand - it all happens completely automatically inside the RF module.

Now if we stopped there you'd probably think "wow that is pretty nice" but we didn't stop there! The EZ-Link has another impressive feature: the DTR/RTS/DSR flow control pins are automatically synced to the computer serial port. What this means is that if the computer sets the hardware flow control DTR or RTS pins high or low the pins on the bluetooth module will follow. If the DSR input pin is brought high or low on the EZ-Link the computer can detect that as well. Every other Bluetooth SPP device we've ever seen if they even have the RTS/DTR pins brought out do not sync back to the computer instead the flow control is for the module serial buffer itself.

Together this creates something pretty amazing: a Bluetooth shield that can change baud rates on the fly and toggle the DTR pin as desired. What we've got here now is a way to program an Arduino (or compatible) from 10 meters away completely wirelessly with no extra software custom hardware odd firmware hacks or modified firmware. It works great and you can use the serial console as well. It's the only Bluetooth shield that has completely transparent Arduino re-programming & communication capability

Works great with Mac and Windows computers. Linux is not supported at this time.

To round out the design we also added two RX/TX indicator LEDs so you can tell when data is sent & received as well as a connection status breakout pin. When the paired computer opens up a UART connection the status pin goes high letting the Arduino know that it can now expect data to be sent and it's also OK to send data to the computer. You can use the shield in either Direct mode (the Bluetooth module replaces the USB/Serial chip) or in Soft Serial mode (you still want to program over USB but will use SoftwareSerial to communicate with a computer or other device).

Each order of this EZ-Link shield includes one ready to go and assembled EZ-Link shield with FCC/CE/RoHS certification. We also include a 36-pin header to be used if you want to have the shield plug in directly into an Arduino. Some light soldering is required! For use with other shields we suggest picking up a stacking header kit. Since the EZ-Link only connects to the RT/TX/Reset Pins for programming it will stack with just about any shield in existence.

Works great with Arduino Uno/Duemilanove/compatible and Mega. Not for use with Leonardo (the Leonardo uses direct-USB instead of USB-Serial) or Due.

For all the details and tutorials check out the EZ-Link page at the Adafruit Learning System

Bluefruit EZ-Link Shield - Bluetooth Arduino Serial & Programmer (8:06)

Technical Details

  • Max Dimensions: 69mm / 2.7" x 53mm / 2" x 5mm / 0.2"
  • Weight: 12.8g

Revision History

  • On April 15 2014 we updated to v1.1 of this shield which fixes MacOS X compatibility.
  • On Aug 12 2014 we updated to v1.3 of this shield which fixes the 2-hour timeout if you do not pair within 2 hours. There is no longer a timeout.
    • Note- the PCB itself says version 1.1 but the product is version 1.3


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* 세금계산서 발행방법은 게시판 공지사항 참조.
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  • 배송 방법 : 택배
  • 배송 지역 : 전국지역
  • 배송 비용 : 3,000원
  • 배송 기간 : 1일 ~ 3일
  • 배송 안내 : 산간벽지나 도서지방은 별도의 추가금액을 지불하셔야 하는 경우가 있습니다.
    주문하신 제품은 입금확인후 1~3일 내에 출고되며 (해외배송)으로 표시된 제품은
    해외배송 제품으로 배송기간이 약 10일~14일정도 소요될수 있습니다.
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    해외배송 진행하신상품은 반품 불가능 합니다.

교환 및 반품정보

교환 및 반품이 가능한 경우
- 상품을 공급 받으신 날로부터 7일이내 단, 가전제품의
  경우 포장을 개봉하였거나 포장이 훼손되어 상품가치가 상실된 경우에는 교환/반품이 불가능합니다.
- 공급받으신 상품 및 용역의 내용이 표시.광고 내용과
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교환 및 반품이 불가능한 경우
- 고객님의 책임 있는 사유로 상품등이 멸실 또는 훼손된 경우. 단, 상품의 내용을 확인하기 위하여
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- 포장을 개봉하였거나 포장이 훼손되어 상품가치가 상실된 경우
  (예 : 가전제품, 식품, 음반 등, 단 액정화면이 부착된 노트북, LCD모니터, 디지털 카메라 등의 불량화소에
  따른 반품/교환은 제조사 기준에 따릅니다.)
- 고객님의 사용 또는 일부 소비에 의하여 상품의 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우 단, 화장품등의 경우 시용제품을
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- 시간의 경과에 의하여 재판매가 곤란할 정도로 상품등의 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우
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  (자세한 내용은 고객만족센터 1:1 E-MAIL상담을 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.)

※ 고객님의 마음이 바뀌어 교환, 반품을 하실 경우 상품반송 비용은 고객님께서 부담하셔야 합니다.
  (색상 교환, 사이즈 교환 등 포함)



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